Son 3

Created by Jason 5 years ago
I had two mums. Both named Mary. Thousands miles apart but ultimately, strategically I had mum's on the opposite side of the planet . Mary Light was my go to parent in the UK. A proper mum like my own but with a massive advantage of having the ability to discuss deep topics and life. A mum that will post 10 Benson & Hedges to Australia because the cigarettes are so disgusting there. A mum who could do brilliant Xmas while I had man flu repeatedly every Xmas. A mother figure that made England feel like home . Where at home I felt judged by family the opposite happened in England. Thanks to both UK mum and dad. Both these fantastic parents were Liberal minded and I don't think they understood how much their acceptance of me changed my life. Mary Light will always be my second mum as will David always be my only dad. Mum the pain has gone finally and now your free although I really wanted you to hang on another month. That's the problem with distance so I will now look up every night and see you in the milky-way instead.
Jason Vranjes
